Thursday, June 4, 2009


Over the last few weeks, life has sent me on a wild ride. No it wasn't on the back of the bike,but almost as thrilling.

Yesterday, June 3 2009, I was featured on Moms Who Blog by a lovely lady named Veronica.

She approached me via e-mail, seeing me from Blog of Note, and I gladly accepted.

All of this notoriety has sent me spinning! I have been trying to plant my feet back on solid ground, and catch my breath! (I think I've got it now) Whew!

I really wanted to sit down and give out the BIGGEST THANK YOU to all of you; for your help, your recognition, and your follow!

All I can do now is, try to live up to the expectation of a great read, which is not always an easy task. So I will keep on doing what I have become to love; riding on the back, and sharing the experience with you!


  1. I really like your passion for riding on that grand ol' machine-the Harley-Davidson. To me, the great conundrum in life is trying to figure out which is more priceless, a big black Harley-Davidson, or a woman who truly loves them.

    For me, it's not an addiction, or anything else for that matter. I simply was born with a Harley. My poor mom couldn't walk for weeks.

  2. Hey, you have great blog here i'm definitely going to bookmark you!
