If you own a bike, you have therapy! I know this has been said before, but riding the bike is very theraputic for me. We've been riding for about 5 years now, and I honestly think it has helped our marraige, and helps me to relax. I'm high strung by nature, and after a nice ride, I feel relaxed. Yes, a ride can be draining after a long haul, but it is also rewarding at the same time.
There is no radio, phone, or blabby distractions, just the sound of the bike and the thoughts of the day swirling around in your head. Sometimes an occassional song gets stuck in there, so I'll just pass the time that way. We take alot of back roads, so we see different types of wildlife which is pretty cool at times. (I think I've become quite the birdwatcher, and why not?) For the most part, you have 'time' to put your thoughts together and sometimes a revelation of sorts usually happens. Which has lead me to write this blog, but the problem lies with all the 'lightbulbs' hovering over my head during the ride, and nowhere to put them until I have arrived at my destination. Everything seems to come together when we are in motion, then when we stop or are at home, it flies right out of my brain! I'll 'theraputically' put this together eventually.
I guess therapy can be anything really, it just depends on what works for you. "Start the bike," It's time for my session!